
Ted Talk Experience

Why Did TEDx Wan To Feature darshana?

As the leading pain-free sex expert in Seattle, I’m no stranger to public speaking and I’m frequently on the conference circuit giving talks about women’s health. It’s a big passion of mine to use my knowledge and my many years of experience to educate people on women’s health and dispel the misconceptions so many have about pelvic pain, postpartum issues, and beyond. It’s my passion to provide the facts and offer practical and personalized solutions to intimate health issues through all stages of a woman’s life.

My involvement within the local community drew the attention of a TEDx curator who wanted me to host my very own TED Talk. After reading my book, The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pain-Free Sex, they connected with me because my experience aligned well with their theme, ‘outliers’ – focusing on individuals with unconventional journeys.

Why Did darshana focus her talk on Pelvic Health?

You probably have tried some painkillers to ease your pain or even drank a glass of wine thinking it’d relax your muscles, but it won’t help you and it’s not a solution to your problem.

Maybe you’ve tried to have sex more gently or switch positions and that also failed.

I know how awkward and difficult it is to speak to someone about your intimate health problems, but unless you do it, you won’t be able to recover from your vaginismus that’s been keeping you in pain for so long.

You need to reach out to an expert, like myself, to find out what’s really going on in your pelvic area and how we can treat it.

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